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Books and Book Chapters

*Abbott, K., Houck, E., Lauen, D. (Forthcoming). “Out of Bounds: The Implications of Non-Resident Charter Attendees for North Carolina Educational Policy and Finance,” in Downes and Killeen, Recent Advancements in Education Finance and Policy. Information Age Publishing.

Lauen, D. and *Abbott, K., (2022) “Bringing the Full Picture into Focus: A Consideration of the Internal and External Validity of Charter School Effects,” The Role of Socio-Environmental Settings for Learning and Educational Attainment, Knowledge and Space Book Series, Springer Publishing.

Freytag, T., Lauen, D., Robertson, S. (co-editors, 2022). The Role of Socio-Environmental Settings for Learning and Educational Attainment, Knowledge and Space Book Series, Springer Publishing.

Lauen, D., *Levy, B.L., Hedberg, E.C., (2019). “Methods for Examining the Effects of School Poverty on Student Test Score Achievement,” Schneider, B., Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century: 493-511.

Lauen, D. and K. Tyson (2009) “Sociological Contributions to Education Policy Research and Debates.” In D. Plank, B. Schneider, and G. Sykes (eds.), Handbook on Education Policy Research. (pp. 71-82) American Educational Research Association.

Lauen, D. (2007) “False Promises: The School Choice Provisions in the No Child Left Behind Act.” In A. Sadovnik, J. O’Day, K. Borman, and G. Bohrnstedt (eds), No Child Left Behind and the Reduction of the Achievement Gap: Sociological Perspectives on Federal Educational Policy (203-226). New York, NY: Routledge. [Also reprinted in Sociology of Education: A Critical Reader, Edited by A. Sadovnik, Routledge, 1st edition, 2007 and 2nd edition, 2011.]

Refereed Articles

Carbonaro, W., Lauen, D., and *Levy, B. (2023) “Do High Poverty Schools Widen Test Score Inequality? Evidence using Administrative Data from Two States,” Sociology of Education, 96(2): 81-103. https://doi.org/10.1177/00380407221147889

Fuller, S., Lauen, D., Unlu, F. (2023) “Leveraging Lottery and Quasi-Experimental Evidence to Assess the Generalizability of the Effects of Early Colleges in North Carolina” Education Finance and Policy. XX(XX): XX. https://doi.org/10.1162/edfp_a_00379

Powers, KA, Sullivan, K.M., Zadrozny, S.L., Shook, B.E., Byrnes, R., Bogojevich, D.A., Lauen, D., Thompson, P., Robinson, W.R., Gordon-Larsen, P., Aiello, A.E. (2022). “North Carolina Teachers’ Contact Patterns and Mask Use Within and Outside of School During the Prevaccine Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic,” American Journal of Infection Control, 50(6), 608-617. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2021.12.020

Glennie, E., Unlu, F., Edmunds, JE, Lauen, D., Fuller, S.C. (2022). “Missing Academic Targets in Ninth Grade: Do Early College High Schools Give Students Second Chances for College?” Research in Higher Education, 63(7), 1095-1119. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11162-022-09680-0

*Swiderski, T, Lauen, D., Unlu, F., Fuller, S.C. (2021) “A Path Towards Citizenship: The Effects of Early College High Schools on Criminal Convictions and Voting.” Forthcoming, Social Science Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102584

Unlu, F., Lauen, D., Tsai, T., Fuller, S., *Estrera, E. (2021) “Can Quasi-Experimental Evaluations that Rely on State Longitudinal Data Systems Replicate Experimental Results: Findings from a Within-Study Comparison.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 40(2): 572-613. https://doi.org/10.1002/pam.22295

Kearns, C., Lauen, D., Fuller, B. (2020) “Competing with Charter Schools – Evaluating Student Selection, Retention, and Achievement in Los Angeles Pilot Schools,” Evaluation Review, 44(2-3): 111-144. https://doi.org/10.1177/0193841X20946221

McEachin, A., Lauen, D., Fuller, S.C., Perera, R.M. (2020) “Social Returns to Private Choice: Effects of Charter Schools on Behavioral Outcomes, Convictions, and Civic Participation.” Economics of Education Review. 76, June 2020, 101983, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2020.101983

*Spees, L., Lauen, D. (2019) “Evaluating Charter School Achievement Growth in North Carolina: Differentiated Effects Among Disadvantaged Students, Stayers, and Switchers” American Journal of Education: 125(3): 417-451. https://doi.org/10.1086/702739

*Kozlowski, K., Lauen, D. (2019) “Understanding Teacher Pay for Performance: Flawed Assumptions and Disappointing Results” Teachers College Record, 121(2): 1-38. https://doi.org/10.1177/016146811912100206

Lauen, D., Barrett, N., Fuller, S.F., *Janda, L. (2017) “Early Colleges at Scale: Impacts on Secondary and Postsecondary Outcomes.” American Journal of Education, 123(4): 523-551. https://doi.org/10.1086/692664

Jennings, J. and Lauen, D. (2016) “Accountability, Inequality, and Achievement: The Effects of the No Child Left Behind Act on Multiple Measures of Student Learning.” Russell Sage Journal of the Social Science. 2(5): 220-241. https://doi.org/10.7758/rsf.2016.2.5.11

Lauen, D. and *Gaddis, M. (2016) “Accountability Pressure, Academic Standards, and Educational Triage.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 38(1): 127-147. https://doi.org/10.3102/0162373715598577

Lauen, D., Fuller, B., Dauter, L. (2015) “Positioning Charter Schools in Los Angeles: Diversity of Form and Homogeneity of Effects.” American Journal of Education 21(2): 213-239. https://doi.org/10.1086/679391

*Gaddis, M. and Lauen, D. (2014) “School Accountability and the Black-White Test Score Gap” Social Science Research. 44: 15-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2013.10.008

Lauen, D. and *Gaddis, M. (2013) “Exposure to Classroom Poverty and Test Score Achievement: Contextual Effects or Selection?” American Journal of Sociology 118(4): 943-979. https://doi.org/10.1086/668408

  • American Sociological Association, Sociology of Education section, Coleman Award Honorable Mention.

Lauen, D.  (2013) “Jumping at the Chance: The Effects of Accountability Consequences on Student Achievement.” Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 6(2): 93-113. https://doi.org/10.1080/19345747.2012.706693

Lauen, D. and *Gaddis, M. (2012) “Shining a Light or Fumbling in the Dark? The Effects of NCLB’s Subgroup-Specific Accountability Pressure on Student Performance.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 34(2): 185-208. https://doi.org/10.3102/0162373711429989

Ladd, H. & Lauen, D. (authors alphabetical) (2010) “Status Versus Growth: The Distributional Effects of Accountability Policies.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 29(3): 426-450. https://doi.org/10.1002/pam.20504

Lauen, D. (2009) “To Choose or Not to Choose: High School Choice and Graduation in Chicago.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 31(3): 179-199. https://doi.org/10.3102/0162373709339058

Lauen, D. (2007) “Contextual Explanations of School Choice.” Sociology of Education. 80(3): 179-209. https://doi.org/10.1177/003804070708000301

Manuscripts in Preparation or Under Review

Unlu, F., Cook, T.S., Lauen, D.L., Fuller, S.C., “Combining Local Comparison Groups, Pretests and Rich Covariates: How well do they collectively reduce Bias in Non-Equivalent Comparison Group Designs?”

Non-Refereed Publications / Products of engaged scholarship

Swiderski, T., Lauen, D. “Comparing Survey Information on Student Postsecondary Intentions and Administrative Data on Observed Enrollment.” Policy Brief to NCDPI and UNC System Office, November 15, 2019.

Swiderski, T., Lauen, D. “Postsecondary Degree Completion Among Students Who Attended Traditional, Charter, and Early College High Schools in North Carolina.” Policy Brief to NCDPI and UNC System Office, November 15, 2019.

Lauen, D., and Tomberlin, T. “North Carolina K-12 Achievement.” Research Brief for the MyFutureNC Commission, 2018.

Lauen, D., “Beating the Odds Statistical Model Technical Report.” Technical report prepared for the Georgia Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, 2018.

Lauen, D., and Henry, G. “The Distribution of Teachers in North Carolina, 2009-2013.” Research Brief to NC DPI, June 2015).

Lauen, D., *Kozlowski, K. “Teacher Performance Incentives in North Carolina: A Summative Report,” (policy research report to NC DPI, August 2014). 

Lauen, D., *Kozlowski, K. “Teacher Performance Incentives in North Carolina,” (policy research report to NC DPI, August 2013). 

Lauen, D., Henry, G., *Rose, R, *Kozlowski, K. “The Distribution of Teacher Value Added in North Carolina,” (policy research report to NC DPI, December, 2013).

*Rose, R., Henry, G., Lauen, D. “Comparing Value Added Models for Estimating Teacher Effectiveness,” (technical report to NC DPI, February 2012).

Ladd, H & Lauen, D.* (2010) “Status vs. Growth: Strategies for School Improvement.” Carolina Context. April. No. 10. (policy brief)

Hart, H., Allensworth, E., Lauen, D. & Gladden, M. (2002). Educational Technology in Chicago Public Schools: A Baseline Report. Chicago, IL: Consortium on Chicago Schools Research.

Levesque, K., Lauen, D., Teitlebaum, P., Alt, M., & Librera, S. (2000). Vocational Education in the United States: Toward the Year 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Education, National Center on Educational Statistics.

Stern, D., Byrnes, M., Levesque, K. & Lauen, D. (2000). Enabling High Schools to Assess School Wide Results of Reform: A Pilot Test. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

Rasinski, K., Bradburn, N., & Lauen, D. (1999) “The Effects of Media Coverage of the National Issues Convention on Citizen Attitudes and Opinions.” In M. McCombs & A. Reynolds (Eds.), The Poll with a Human Face: The National Issues Convention Experiment in Political Communication. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Visher, M., Lauen, D., Merola, L. & Medrich, E. (1998). School-to-Work in the 1990s: A Look at Programs and Practices in American High Schools. Berkeley, CA: MPR Associates, Inc.

Kaufman, P., Chavez, L., & Lauen, D. (1998). Generational Status and Educational Outcomes Among Asian and Hispanic 1988 Eighth Graders. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Education, National Center on Educational Statistics.